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garage sale 車庫買賣〔在賣主家進行的現場舊貨出售,因多在賣主家的車庫...


And as he was leaving that church in despair he saw a little like a garage sale that somebody was having and he was attracted and for a moment he stopped and then he saw something that interested him , it looked nice 他失望地離開教堂,看到某個家庭在進行車房拍賣,他被吸引住。他停下來一會,看到一件很有趣的東西,看起來不錯,是一塊桌布,手造的。

Garage sale , yard sale , basement sale - whatever they ' re called and wherever they ' re held , americans are having them in ever - in - creasing numbers 汽車庫里大甩賣也好,家門口大甩賣也好,地下室大甩賣也好? ?不管叫什么名堂,也不管在哪舉辦,總之,美國人舉辦這類活動的次數是越來越多了。

Unless a garage sale is going to make or break you , i suggest you give your unwanted items to individuals or organizations who can use them 除非在車房出售舊物勢在必行(否則日子過不下去) ,我建議你把不需要的物件送給需要的人或團體。

Badtz . maru s collection of various chat forums about his ? her life including current issues , ia , ntu , tution , garage sales and gaming -綜合性論壇,主要有影視動漫游戲音樂等娛樂板塊,以及衣食住行學習天地等生活信息。

My mom was big on garage sales and wouldn ' t miss a saturday to get me out of my deep slumber to go along with her 媽媽很喜歡在舊貨市場買東西,每個周六早晨,她都會把我從美夢中叫醒和她一起去逛舊貨市場。

Therefore , you decide to have a garage sale and help out other local businesses to raise money for your own store 因此,你決定出自其他的當地商店有一個自家販賣不用之物和幫忙為你自己的商店籌錢。

The income from their garage sale was a spillover from their habit of not throwing anything away 他們汽車間的拍賣所得是他們從不扔掉任何東西的習慣所帶來的意外收獲。

Swap meets - held at stadiums or in large parking lots - are like community garage sales 舊物交換會- -在體育場或大型停車場舉行- -就像社區的車庫大拍賣。

My neighbors were having their annual garage sale along with three other families 我們的鄰居正和另外三個家庭進行他們一年一度的舊貨出售活動。

Master and everyone laugh . like at a garage sale : everything s one dollar 師父及大眾笑,就像清倉大拍賣一樣,所有貨品都只要一塊錢。

They decided to have a garage sale to get rid of some unwanted stuff (他們打算進行一次現場舊貨出售,把一些不需要的物品清除掉。 )

Example : mom has disposed of tommy ' s old toys in a garage sale 媽媽把湯米的舊玩具在庭院拍賣中處理掉了。

Yeah . it ' s like the garage sale from hell 是啊.就像地獄的舊貨倉庫

You go to thrift shops and you go to the garage sales 你去廉價店或去車庫拍賣會。 。 。